Exchange 2013 CU3 OWA redirection from http to https
After updating the Exchange 2013 CU3 from CU2 the OWA redirection got lost away. Tried to search on how to perfrom and found the technet article which seems to be more complex
Finally the below solution seems to fix the issue
1. Login to the Exchange 2013 CAS Sever - Open internet Information Service (Inetmgr)
2. Expand the Site and go to the default web site
3. Double click on Error pages icon on located on the right side
4. Then click on Add. on the right side (Toolbox Actions)
5. In the new window, type 403.4 on the first field,and select Respond with a 302 redirect and then type the url e.g - click ok
6. Go to command prompt and restart the IIS service using iisreset /noforce if this not work then go ahead for issreset
7. Verify the Output on clearing the cache in the internet explorer and type which should redirect to
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