Thursday, April 24, 2014

Exchange Server 2013 Email Flow Latency Script for multiple Servers

This script help for finding email flow latency between the servers. This will be most useful when you have the exchange servers across the site and perform the mail flow routing.

It works on getting the local server name as source server name and queries each target mailbox servers which is denoted in the array.

$filePath = "C:\temp\Raji\output.txt"
$array = @(""," "," ","")
$SourceServer = $env:COMPUTERNAME
ForEach ($TargetServer in $array)
Write-host Testing Mailflow from $SourceServer to $TargetServer -foregroundcolor cyan
Add-Content $filePath "Testing Mailflow from $SourceServer to $TargetServer"
$Output = Test-Mailflow -SourceMailboxServer $SourceServer -TargetMailboxServer $TargetServer | FT -Autosize
Write-Output $Output
$Output | Out-File -filePath $filePath -append -encoding ASCII
Just change the File path in the Email Flow Script and you can get the output as out.txt file

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Exchange Server SP1 Upgradation – Things to be considered

  1. Don’t execute the setpup.exe /prepareschema /iacceptexchangeserverlicenseterms of Exchange Server 2013 SP1 in the Windows PowerShell. Instead open the command prompt and execute it.
Reason: when you execute in windows PowerShell it will load the CU3 setup.exe but when you execute in Command prompt it loads SP1. Find the screenshot as follow.
Setup.exe in Command Prompt: Check the Banner ((It shows SP1)
setup prepareschema

Setup.exe in Windows Powershell: Check the Banner :) (It shows CU3)

 setup prepareschema iacceptexchangeserverlicenseTerms

  1. Always use Run-As Administrator on the setup.exe when you try to install them in the GUI mode or else you will overcome some error message on access privilege on running the Exchange 2013 Setup

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Step by Step: Export Yahoo Email to Hotmail Account

The below article explains the step by step detail on how to export the Yahoo emails to the Hotmail \ Account.
  1. Login to the Hotmail account – Click Options
  1. Select Import Email Accounts tab
  1. Select the Yahoo account
  1. Enter your yahoo email address and the password. Select the appropriate option you need for importing your emails
Now checkout the Hotmail account and you see new folder holding all the yahoo email. If you want all the upcoming emails to moved to hotmail then configure forwarders
Now you have single console having both the and Yahoo email..:)

Friday, April 11, 2014

Send-MailMessage : Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: 5.7.1 Unable to relay

You may receive the below error message when you try to execute PowerShell script to trigger email


 Send-MailMessage : Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: 5.7.1 Unable to relay
At C:\Temp\Get-ExchangeEnvironmentReport.ps1:1096 char:2
+     Send-MailMessage -Attachments $HTMLReport -To $MailTo -From $MailFrom -Subject ..

   + CategoryInfo         : InvalidOperation: (System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient:SmtpClient) [Send-MailMessage], SmtpFailed   RecipientException
   + FullyQualifiedErrorId : SmtpException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SendMailMessage

To fix it out follow the below solution

Right click on McAfee icon

VirusScan Console 1

Click on Virus Scan Console

VirusScan Console

Double click on Access Protection on VirusScan Console - On Access Protection tab

Access Protection

Go to Anti-Virus Standard Protection - On right hand side, double click on Prevent mass mailing
worms from sending mail

Anti-Virus Access Protection

On process to exclude tab, add PowerShell.exe at the end

Exception Powershell

Click ok

Thursday, April 10, 2014

SID history using PowerShell command

SIDHistoryThis is not the SID of ice age it regards to the security identifier of an object located in Active Directory. The user account SID can be extracted using the PowerShell cmdlet and modified them easily.


To find the properties of user with SID history detail

Get-ADUser "Mail.COM/Region/Asia/Rajis" –properties sidhistory

To search user on specific OU or domain

Get-ADUser -fILTER {nAME -eq "Rajis"} -SearchBase "OU=Asia,OU=Region,DC=MAIL,DC=COM" –properties sidhistory

 To remove SID history value as 

Get-ADUser -fILTER {nAME -eq "Rajis"} -SearchBase "OU=Asia,OU=Region,DC=MAIL,DC=COM" –properties sidhistory | foreach {Set-ADUser $_ -remove @{sidhistory=$_.sidhistory.value}}

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Extracting the specific content line from huge log file using PowerShell command

Sometimes it will so be difficult to search a line which it has the specific word or content using Ctrl+F in the huge log file. Found out a easiest way that will very much useful for our daily task


For Example: I want to search the line which hold the word “Build” in the text file winstore.log.

PS C:\Temp> dir .\Winstore.LOG | Select-String "Build"


If you want to search in multiple file

PS C:\Temp> dir .\Winsto*.LOG | Select-String "Build"

If you want to export the output to text file

PS C:\Temp> dir .\Winsto*.LOG | Select-String "Build" > Output.txt

Select-String Powershell

Note: You can’t get output if you used Export-CSV cmdlet & this search can be done only notepad format files

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Basic Troubleshooting Analysis using Task Manager & Resource Monitor

We know the task manager can help to know the detail of service, processor and memory utilization but it has capability to perform more than that…

Opening new task when everything got hanged in our system.
  1. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del – Click TaskManager
  2. Goto Task Manager – File – Run New Task
  1. Enter the name of the task you need to open

To identify and kill specific service for the application

Sometime we have opened serveral application for the same service and need to get killed specific application. For example let us open multiple notepad file which points the same service notepad.exe


In case if you want to kill specific notepad file you need to identity the service name that should be killed. By default it just show notepad.exe without much detail. To make it more detail right click – Select Columns


In the Select Column – Select Command line – Click OK


Now you can able to identify the notepad.exe service that is mapped respective notepad file


Identifying the port number and protocol used by application

Go to Task Manager – Click Performance Tab – Click Resource Monitor


Select the process the need to be monitored.

 Resource Monitor

Go to the network tab where you can able to see the local port and remote port of the application used

Resource Monitor 1

The blog is written to the share the knowledge mainly on Microsoft Exchange Server and other Microsoft product that experienced on day-to-day life.